Alternative Medicine and Self Improvement With Technical Resources

The Health Benefits of Papaya And It's Role In Fighting Cancer and the Immune System

Papaya (PawPaw) is a sweet and succulent fruit found in tropical climates around the world. Its health benefits are many; it is naturally rich in vitamins, minerals, lycopene, beta-carotene and other vital nutrients. Many cultures successfully use the leaf, seeds, skin and pulp of this miraculous fruit for various diseases, infections and skin conditions. Today,…

What Is The Scope Of A Diploma In Medical Laboratory Technology

Post Surgery Scarring and Adhesions – Seven Alternative Medicine Solutions to Scarring & Adhesions

Post surgery scarring binds the skin.  Keloids form when the scarring is extensive causing pain and numbness.  In more severe cases deep adhesions form between neighboring structures resulting in pain, compromised ability to freely move through the normal range of motion, and other more serious organ changes. 1.  Acupuncture Treatment –  of “toxic” scarring by…

Benefits of Vitamins for Penis Health

Multimedia Patient Education

Education can be obtained in any health care worker who has taken adequate education training, education on communication and patient education are usually included in health professional education. Health education is a tool that managed care plans and may include general and preventive education or health promotion and disease or condition specific training. Among the…